Culture Shock

Adjusting to another culture

作为一名国际学生,你会的 find that there are many differences between 在美国和你自己的国家是怎么做的. Personal interaction 人与人之间,语言和非语言的交流等等., are some of the ways you may notice some differences. 给自己一些时间来适应在美国的生活 States. 你可能还会经历一种通常被称为“文化冲击”的现象."

Culture shock is not quite as shocking or as sudden as most people expect. It is part 学习一种新文化的过程. 你之前可能会感到一些不适 你能在新的环境中很好地工作. 这种不适就是“文化冲击”。 stage of the adaptation process.

Just as you will bring with you to the United States clothes and other personal items, 当你旅行时,你也会带着看不见的“文化包袱”. That baggage is not as obvious as the items in your suitcases, but it will play a major role in your adaptation abroad. 文化包袱包含了对你很重要的价值观 以及在你的文化中习惯的行为模式. The more you know about your personal values, the better prepared you will be to see and understand 你在国外会遇到的文化差异.


Stages of adjustment

出国留学意味着在你的日常生活中做出巨大的改变. Generations of students have found that they go through a predictable series of stages as they adjust to living abroad.

Coping with culture shock

The most effective way to combat culture shock is to step back from a given event that has bothered you, assess it, and search for an appropriate explanation and response. Try the following:

Will I lose my own culture?

Sometimes students worry about "losing their culture" if they become too well adapted to the host culture. 别担心:在中国几乎不可能失去文化 which you were raised. 事实上,了解新的文化往往会增加你的 欣赏和理解自己的文化. Don't resist the opportunity to become bicultural; that is, able to function competently in two cultural environments.

Just as culture shock derives from the accumulation of cultural clashes, so can an accumulation of small successes lead to more effective interactions within the new culture. As you increase your abilities to manage and understand the new social system, 最近看起来很奇怪的做法将变得不那么令人费解. Eventually you will adapt sufficiently to do your best in your studies and social life and to relax and fully enjoy the experience. 你就会恢复你的幽默感!